Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cheer for Los Angeles Lakers

Yeah!! Finally the Lakers wins the NBA title. It's been some years, the Lakers missed the NBA title. Kobe Bryant, who is really a professional player who leads the Lakers to get this title and also supported by all his teammates as well. I remembered last time i have bought a magazines about last season or few seasons ago, a poster of Kobe Bryant. He said: " he so sorry that he can't make their teammates better". All the time, Kobe just like a solo player which has his own plan to score. Obviously, Kobe is really skillful and i got no doubt that he manage to bring his team to get the NBA title. How good if i got few percentage of Kobe's skill. Haha. Anyway, congraturation for Los Angeles Lakers wins the NBA championship title.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


有一天,四個已經退休的老人一起打麻將。  打了幾圈,中場休息時間,一個老人想去上廁所,其他的三個於是就開始聊起來了……    

一個老人講到他的兒子俊明,就忍不住臭屁一下  「我們家的俊明啊……在作珠寶生意,前一陣子不知道發了什麼瘋,  竟然送個大鑽戒給他朋友,真是受不了他啊……」    

另一個老人也不甘示弱的說  「我那個建國啊……在汽車公司裡作經理,前一陣子也是的,  不知道怎麼著,送了一部凱迪拉克給他朋友!你說敗不敗家嘛!」    

第三個老人也說話啦  「我那個不成才的兒子志雄啊!在搞房地產,現在經濟不景氣,  前一陣子他竟然還送了一棟房子給他朋友!真搞不懂他在想什麼……」    

三個老人臭屁了半天,第四個老人上完廁所回來了,  他說:「你們在聊些什麼啊?」     「聊兒子啊……ㄟ,對了,你的兒子家明最近怎樣啊?」  其中一個老人問到。    

只見第四個老人深深地探了一口氣……說著  「唉……我家那個變態家明啊……別提了,竟然是個同性戀,ㄟ……,  不過前一陣子,不知道走了什麼狗屎運,有朋友送他鑽戒,  又有人送凱迪拉克,還有個人送了棟房子給他!你們說奇不奇怪啊……」

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Think properly (especially for couples)

I just realized one things that very important for the couples. Have you guys ever heard about "Stop a while to fuel up for moving longer distance?" I understand this phrase well because i just came across this problem. That's why i wanted to let all the couples who read this understand well. Although this might not a fresh idea anymore, it might help you to remind back about this. By the way, I'm going to illustrate a story about this phrase.
Once upon a time, a couples who were studying in the college together. Although the time that they been together not really long, but you can see how sweet they been together. They're having meal together all the time, studying for exam, going to shopping, and etc. They're sticking like a pair of chopstick. A lot of people also admired them. However, after semester break, the guy has to work at a place that far from the girl. Then, the girl has her own job. Slowly, they're rarely communicate with each others because they got their own things to busy. After semester break over, they met again in the college. Firstly, they're still remaining good relationship. Later on, somethings weird happened. No matter how hard they trying to recover the mess, the mess is still there. The problem is among both of them. Then, the guy insisted that there is'nt any problem. However, the girl felt like not comfortable with the current situation. Therefore, they're trying to negotiate. Lastly, they both agreed that they should have a resting period instead of break off. In conclusion, the couples should have learn the love value in this story. No matter what was happened, think properly before making any decision.
Thank you~~ ^o^

Friday, January 2, 2009

Starting of new year~

Long story cut it short~Finally, long holiday has just finished. Stepping in new year, everythings must have a change, from bad to good, frm good to excellent. However, of course won't change gf because she is the first and the last one..Firstly, i wanna wish all of my friends to have a good life in this new year~Tommorow better than today~I hope to get a better result in this year. But, only talk no use 1. Must have an action to prove the words.. Really hope that i can do it well.. All the be3t for all of my friends too~
This picture was taken 20 minutes ago, is tis called as art or vandal?? Sprayed by writer..
So hard to get through this few days, don't know who took away the ATM machine and made me can't withdraw $$..Luckily still got friends borrowed me~hahaha!!
In the end, duno wat to write already..I'm ready to lay on my sweet bed and put on blanket so that i can have sweet sweet dream tonight~~Nitezzz~